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                                                   Ordinary thoughts to create Sanity 


~Beauty is not your eyes, face, color, hairs or your ageing, mortal body.  It is how much unconditional love your soul is filled with, to share 

with the world and specially the ones who in your "conditioned eyes & sight", don't deserve it. ~








~Nothing which is permanently your's can be taken away; What can be taken, is at the very first place never your's. ~






~Almost everyone works to build #confidence. That's good. Many people works to build their #competencies. That's better. And very few, rare ones voluntary suffers the pain to work for expanding the #consciousness. This is#excellence and #perfection.  It is the doorway to realise, experience the existence itself. Once you cross the barrier of expansion, you don't witness or see or know or feel but becomes the Truth yourself, becomes the nature yourself, becomes the existence yourself and then no becoming is left.  Now, You ARE what IS. ~




~In the End - Everything comes down to one word. Persistence.  It isn't about not giving up but its about believing in yourself when others refuse to believe. ~




~Sometimes the only purpose you can live for and have in your life is to just help every living being you come across may it be people,

animals, plants in need, unconditionally. ~




~There will always be people around you who will see some Sanity in your Insanity, some Creativity in your Activity, some Spark in your Laziness and some some Genius in your Foolishness. Life is worth living around those kind of people because when you lose your inspiration they will be the source of your motivation. ~




~Let go of the need to be respected; that's when you work / exist from your true self. ~




~When you see a a rich man, a successful man, a champion, a man of great values - Its only a neurotic and energy pattern they are working out from. When you see a criminal, a murderer,a sinner, a frail and weak man - its again a neurotic and energy pattern they are working out from. In both the cases, one will be in prison and not free until the pattern is broken, completely shattered and then only one shall work out from pure cosmic intelligence - being a Yogi - free like air and sunlight - "enjoying" all the dualities of life, both pain and pleasure, happiness and sorrow, good and bad because everything has a beauty and godliness within. ~




~Don't Rush through with the things you do - Follow the nature of Nature - Silence & Patience - with these comes Perfection. ~




~One of the ways - i keep myself in Highly Energetic State is by following a Ritual. Everyday i make sure - i read some #great stuff, some inspiring lines, some touching story or watch some #breathtaking videos, or an inspiring movie and if i cant find anything - i try to find a demotivated soul to motivate and in the process - i, myself gets filled up. There is no #secret to #success, its about being in a Great State to do#Extraordinary work and the state is ultimately decided by what is in your#MIND. ~




~Let NO one tell you that you are im-perfect but know this as a matter of fact. Understand, No one is born perfect. Becoming perfect is a long race you have to run and in the process you will find some ahead and some behind. Knowing your own imperfection makes you take the first crucial step from being "Imperfect to I-M-Perfect." ~




~The known world, has 7.5 billion people. And that one person has made havoc in your life. There is something wrong, completely wrong - you have just lost the complete perspective of life.  Enlarge your sense of things and the purpose of being in this planet.



~Power in the most sacred of sense comes from knowing ones true self, ones true source, moment one is connected to the reality, one becomes immensely powerful.  Many are not aware and still dances in the duality of darkness and to fill , cover up an illusionary gap, lack ness, emptiness which they perceive in themselves, they run for positions, luxury, cars, brands, all the things which momentary helps them to think that they are indeed powerful. ~



~Let your work be Madness, Crazy and Insane - Even then it will be completely Divine, if you can mix Unconditional Love in it. ~ 




~I cease to be in a horrible state of #competition and strives relentlessly to be in a inspiring, creating state of #collaboration. Nature doesn't compete but only collaborate.~




~All negative emotions which you experience, creates a barrier between you and the universe / existence. All positive emotions bridges the gap.  And all Higher Emotions like Unconditional Love, Gratitude, Compassion makes you ONE with the Existence. How often you experience these Higher Vibrations of Unconditional Love, Gratitude and Compassion - beauty is that you can consciously create these vibrations just by sharing with Others ~




~Doing even the most ugliest of task can make one enlightened - only if it is done with total, absolute & pure awareness ~




~If you have learned to live fully,completely in every moment, then every minute becomes a life time in itself and in one life time you end up living thousands life times.  That's why the one who gets enlightened does not need to reborn again as they have known the TRUTH, the eternal truth of living fully in every second.  Drop of your perception of past & the idea of future - discover - experience the timelessness space of the only truth "NOW" ~




~ Don't label love then it is not love, it's just a relationship ~




~ Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them ~




~Every thought which becomes a imagination comes very close to manifestation - intensity and consistency decides whether it manifest or not ~




~ Understand; Perception may not be Reality ~




~ Your Every thought has a existence in this universe - ur every thought manifest and appears in ur life in some form or another ~




~ Very rarely we realize that { WE } only become the greatest obstacles for our loved & closed ones and make them live a compromised suffocated life, in a prison, for our own sake of comfort & peace. "I RELEASE my LOVED ONES from all my EXPECTATIONS, NEEDS. I ALLOW them to FLY freely in the open sky, I ALLOW them to BE" ~




~IMPOSSIBLE - A Illusioniary concept popularly believed by many as RIGHT but discarded by few whom the world believed to be special ones ~




~ Every thought produces Energy / Vibration. Everything in this Universe is made up of Energy / Vibration. When we have 1000 different THOUGHTS, we produce 1000 different kind of Energy / Vibrations. We have approx 60,000 thoughts a day. You can BRING / MANIFEST anything in REALITY, if only the 60,000 thoughts which you ALLOW / CREATE in your mind can be FOCUSED on ONE CONCRETE GOAL / PURPOSE. This is the CORE / Essence of manifesting anything and everything in this universe ~




~ Every one is Living Genius but { unexpressed & unexplored } ~




~ The most essential qualities & powers needed to live is not given by anyone but by the Supreme the moment you are born. 

Don't wait to seek approvals or certifications from people. Connect your self to your inner powers, live your life at the highest possible frequencies ~




~ Want to experience a billionth fraction of The Supreme Silence - Sit at a calm and quiet place, close your eyes, close your ears fully with your fingers, Chant the Mantra [Aum or OM] , and just { BE }. This is the Place / Source from where every creation is manifested in this Infinitely Silent Evolutionary Creating Universe ~




~ If your reply is "Fine" always; when some one ask you, "How are you" then most certainly, that's the only emotion you will experience. Change it to "Superb" or "Fantastic" or "Awesome" when someone now ask you, how are you. You will see a subtle but substantial change in how you feel. Do it continuously and you improve the quality of your life ~




~ "What will make you evolve very fast & finally free will be learning lessons, lessons will come from experiences, experiences are only an events, we label it bad or good. Its your choice to experience the experiences happily or be sad about it ~




~ If your 'dreams (passion)' remains only at the level of you brain & mind - you may or may not achieve them. Human body has 100 trillion cells and each cell have its own consciousness.  Every cell is alive. The question is "Are they aware about your dreams" Make them aware and conscious about your 'dreams (passion)' and you suddenly increase the possibility & probability of achieving them by almost 100 trillion times. Let every cell of you body crave for your ultimate aim and desire ~




~ Its only once we "accept" that we can go Beyond the thing we accepted ~




~ Mind body can't get enlightened as they are not permanent. "Enlightenment" is the only permanent state in this impermanence universe. In enlightenment it's the soul which merges with the original self - the one whom you may perceive to be enlightened may not be enlightened at all. "We perceive things as we are not as they actually are" ~




~ We never own / posses anything - at most we can be a medium / instrument through which the universe express / manifest itself ~





~ If you really want to live an outstanding, successful & ultra accomplished life : Master One area or One craft or One skill or One Art where NO ONE can compete you.  Focus all your energies to that ONE thing for which you may need to spend "thousands" dark lonely nights but only to see glory and success one bright beautiful day ~




~  One of the most important skills to learn is "The Art of Dropping". Everyday practice "Dropping"  Dropping - our fake self, masks, egos, hurts, disappointments, negatives, abuses, issues, pretensions, tensions, frustrations - Just mentally will, take a deep breath and exhale - say - "I DROP and make my self free of all these" You can only FLY when you are free of all these un-invited, un-welcomed, un-liked guests ~




~ Don't work on billion ideas at once but at ONE IDEA billion times ~



~ So the truth is : Every champion, Every fighter, Every winner, Every successful person, Every medalist, Every billionaire, Every great hero WENT through the process of getting feared, getting down, getting low on confidence, getting depressed, getting sad, getting distracted, getting on the verge of giving up but what made the difference was; they PUSHED ON. NEVER GIVE UP - RUN - WALK - CRAWL but don't STOP ~









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